November’s Adventure-A-Day: Day 26

Well, I suppose it was bound to happen. Not all adventures are good are they? Today’s daily adventure was more of a misadventure.

Adventure-A-Day: Day 26

I started off with good intentions. My plan was to try to make fresh Vietnamese spring rolls. My problem was that I went grocery shopping without a list of ingredients. I guess I thought I could wing it and figure out what I would need once I got there. Not so. I should have known better. I’m a disaster in the kitchen. Always have been  – and based on my lack of desire to change that – always will be.

I bought what I thought I needed, came home and then Googled a recipe. I was lacking ALL the fresh herbs required as well as a proper (long) carrot. Sigh.


Then began the fiasco of trying to julienne the cucumber and mini carrots that I had. After tossing out shavings of the veggies I settled on chunky stick shapes and moved on. I managed to soak the rice paper properly but without the fresh herbs my little ‘assembly’ in the centre of the paper looked sad and unappetizing (note the pathetic little bundle in the upper right-hand corner of the pic directly below). Sigh.IMG_2329The pictures end here folks. I wrapped two of these suckers and whipped up the dipping sauce (successfully) but then the rolls fell apart while I tried to dip them and they tasted awful. Those missing herbs were vital. Total fail.

Then I had a brainstorm. An answer to my failed culinary adventure. I went back to my beloved Google search box and looked up a recipe for a snack that was simple enough that even young children can make them.  I found, yogurt bars (by Kids Activities Blog). All you need is yoghurt and toppings. Perfect.

I spread some yogurt around in a tray covered with tinfoil, sprinkled some granola on top and then added a few additional healthy toppers (blueberries and dried cranberries) and then popped the tray in the freezer til tomorrow morning. Done!


Yogurt Bars by Kids Activities Blog

Tomorrow’s mid-morning snack should look something like this. If they’re good then I’m going out immediately to buy better toppings for the next batch – chocolate chips, pistachios…

This my last food adventure. I have no passion for baking or cooking and my attempts to prove otherwise have been feeble so I’m moving on. Besides, I only have 4 days left in my month-long adventure-a-day challenge.

I think it’s time for another weekend get-away.

Stay tuned!

3 responses to “November’s Adventure-A-Day: Day 26

    • I know, it seems pretty basic logic to start with a recipe right? The kitchen and I really don’t think alike. I give up. I think my twin sister got the only cooking gene that was on the offer on conception day.

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