About Me

When I first started this blog it was an experiment of sorts. I had planned to give myself 6 months to find my passion. I looked to my childhood and the things I loved doing then and also vowed to try new things and step outside of my comfort zone regularly. I wrote posts reviewing movies, books, tried my hand at DIY crafts and also posted a few of my travel tales.

It turns out I didn’t need 6 months at all. VERY quickly it was evident what my passion is. I love travel. I found myself pulling up stories and memories from personal travels both recent and long ago, reading other’s travel blogs and wanting to connect with travel bloggers from around the world. I decided the experiment was over and started to devote this blog to my love of travel.

I’ve always loved to travel and have done various types of travel throughout my life. I travelled quite a bit with my family when I was younger visiting England, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Austria, Barbados, St. Lucia, Antigua, Cuba and the Dominican Republic and then started doing some solo travelling when I finished university. I spent a year exploring around Australia, New Zealand and Thailand and then continued with solo trips to Spain, Bolivia, Peru, Mexico and Hawaii in-between contract jobs here in Toronto.

I also worked for a short time on an adventure travel show that took me to Zimbabwe and Israel and then went on a very special trip to China. Since then I’ve married and travelled with my husband to Costa Rica, France, Greece, Jamaica, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, parts of the U.S. and Spain. We now have 2 young girls with whom we travel as a family each year and also plan a couple of adult-only trips.

So, I’m a part-time traveller who enjoys both family travel AND the more adventuress type of travel that my husband and I can enjoy together. I start planning my next trip on the flight home – there’s ALWAYS another trip in the pipeline. Travel is my sanity keeper, my teacher and my inspiration for so many things. It gives me perspective in my life.


Sunset in Zimbabwe.

Email me at passionsearcher@outlook.com

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15 responses to “About Me

  1. Thanks for visiting our blog :) Great to see we have something in common – both blogs represents our passion for travel :)

    Like you, we have always have another trip in the pipeline – actually our travel philosophy is to plan the one after before we even go on the next one! It really helps with travel withdrawals :)

    Lovely to meet you and we look forward to following your adventures!!

  2. Hiya Tanya! Just wanted to let you know I really enjoy your blog and have nominated you for the Liebster Award — there’s no trophy or sash, but you’ll hopefully have a warm fuzzy feeling of being appreciated (and cross-promoted).
    Official rules with variations: http://wordingwell.com/the-liebster-award-the-official-rules-my-first-blog-award-and-a-few-personal-secrets-revealed/

    I totally understand if this is not your bag and if you don’t want to pick up and carry the torch — no problem, and no offense taken. In any case, I hope the extra traffic across your site from my own links will be helpful and appreciated.
    Warm fuzzies,
    Mother Hen

    Here are your questions:
    1. Why did you start your blog, and why did you choose this name?

    2. What is your idea of the perfect night out?

    3. What is your favorite article of clothing and why?

    4. If you were a pizza, which one would you be?

    5. Name your top 5 all time favorite guilty-pleasure songs.

    6. If you could choose to live on any island, which would it be and why?

    7. What is the farthest you have travelled? What brought you there?

    8. Beatles or Stones?

    9. If you could be any breed of chicken, which one would it be? Why?

    10. Who do you want to be when you grow up?

    11. How much wood does a woodchuck actually chuck? (It’s one of the burning issues of our time…I can’t believe no one has ever properly answered it, but go on… have at it!)

  3. Passion Searcher, You take great pictures and write very well. I’m glad I found your facebook. I look forward to seeing your posts. Tell me? Did you ever get up on those water ski’s? :)

    • Thank you! And yes, I did get up on the skis – unfortunately I don’t have photographic evidence but I did do a full circuit on the lake I was staying on. Could hardly walk the next day, but it was worth it!

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